The Managerial Merry Go Round at Olympiakos

The Managerial Merry Go Round at Olympiakos By Stephen Kountourou After a year of instability and four managers in one season, Olympiakos is once again on the hunt for a coach who, it must be said, has a huge job to do. With names flying about everywhere right now, who is the right person to man steady the Olympiakos ship back to success in the port of Piraeus? Gennaro Gattuso Italian coach Gennaro Gattuso arguably has the most experience coaching big European clubs and is the closest to joining Thrylos at the time of writing. He most notably coached his former club AC Milan as well as Napoli where he won the Copa Italia and most recently at Spanish side Valencia. He is also the only manager on this list to have previously coached in Greece when he took charge of OFI Crete. Over his managerial career, the Italian has averaged just under a 43% win rate. Many have identified his strengths being the ability to maintain a cool head in the toughest of situations. He is also passi...